User-agent: * Allow: / Stefanina Knitting Design: avril 2011

jeudi 7 avril 2011

Tubular or Italian bind-off in the round with a k2/p2 ribbing : tutorial

As seen previously, Tubular or Italian bind-off is usually worked with a k1/p1 ribbing, but it’s possible to use it too with a k2/p2 ribbing. You just have to work an additional round before the tubular bind-off, just crossing the stitches so you will have one knit stitch and one purl stitch.

Work your ribbing until 3 rounds before the desired total border length and then work the next round as follows :

1. Knit the first stitch

Arrêt extensible côtes 2-2 (1)_thumb[42]

2. Work next 2 stitches as a left twist with purled background. ( slip next stitch to cable needle, hold in front,  purl 1and knit 1 from cable needle)

 Arrêt extensible côtes 2-2 (4)_thumb[2] 

3. Purl next stitch

Arrêt extensible côtes 2-2 (5)_thumb[1]

4. Knit next stitch

Arrêt extensible côtes 2-2 (6)_thumb[2]

Repeat from 1 to 4 until all the stitches of the round have been worked and then knit the first stitch of next round to move the begin of your round and be ready to begin the tubular Bind-off with a purl stitch.

Now your are ready to work the tubular or Italian Bind-off.


Happy knitting_thumb


lundi 4 avril 2011

Tubular or Italian bind-off worked in the round : tutorial

The tubular or Italian Bind-off is one of the border finishing technique I really like to use ! This kind of bind-off gives a really stretchy and cute border.

Work your k1/p1 ribbing border until you reach 2 rounds less than desired length . Then change to smaller needle. You have to go down of 0.5 mm, so for example if you have worked your ribbing with needle no 3.00 mm you have to use needle no 2.5 mm. And then continue as follows :

First round

1. If your round begins with a knit stitch, just knit it and move the begin of the round. Then slip the next purl stitch purlwise with yarn in front.

Arrêt extensible (1)_thumb[1]

Arrêt extensible (2)_thumb[2]

2. Knit next stitch

Arrêt extensible (3)_thumb[1]

Repeat from 1. to 2. until all the stitches of the round have been worked.

Second Round

1. Purl the purl stitches and slip the knit stitches purlwise with yarn in back. If the slipped knit stitches are slipped knitwise the stitch will be twisted on the bind-off round.

Arrêt extensible (4)_thumb[3]

After this round have been completed cut the yarn leaving a tail from about 3 times the length of the finished round.

Arrêt extensible (5)_thumb[1]

The tail has to be enough long to finish bind-off as you cannot change it during the last round.

To estimate a good length I wrap it around my work 4 times.


Binding – off

1. Insert your sewing needle knitwise in the purl stitch of left needle.

Arrêt extensible (6)_thumb[1]

Pull the yarn

Arrêt extensible (7)_thumb[1]

2. Insert your sewing needle from right to left in the knit stitch of the right needle and purlwise in the knit stitch of the left needle.

Arrêt extensible (8)_thumb[1]

Pull the yarn

Arrêt extensible (9)_thumb[1]

3. Insert your sewing needle purlwise in the purl stitch of the left needle (It’s the second time you pull the tail in this purl stitch).

Arrêt extensible (10)_thumb[1]

Pull yarn and drop the 2 stitches off the left needle.

Arrêt extensible (11)_thumb[1]

4. Insert your sewing needle knitwise in the purl stitch of left needle and pull yarn.

Arrêt extensible (6)_thumb[3]

5. Insert your sewing needle from right to left in the knit stitch just dropped and purlwise in the knit stitch of the left needle, and then pull the yarn.

Arrêt extensible (12)_thumb[1]

6. Insert your sewing needle purlwise in the purl stitch of the left needle (It’s the second time you pull the tail in this purl stitch).

Arrêt extensible (10)_thumb[2]

Repeat from step 4 to 6 until all stitches have been worked.

Arrêt extensible (13)_thumb[1]

After completing the round, pull the yarn in the wrong side of your work and weave it in end.

Arrêt extensible (14)_thumb[1]

Et voilà Sourire, a really lovely finished border !


You can find the French tutorial here


Happy knitting_thumb